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Bonnie Moriarty

Bonnie Moriarty is the Director, Homelessness and Housing Initiatives and has been with EFry for over 30 years.  Throughout this time, she has been involved with EFry in varying capacities.  Bonnie’s background is in the social services field.  She began her career as a residential support work for homeless women and children, was appointed Supervisor, then became a Director.  She has been active in the community on various boards and community tables, representing women’s issues and assisting with changing systems that impede women and children’s access to resources that benefit their lives.


Bonnie was involved in creating the document Bridging the Gap (shelter case management) and changing the BC Housing framework to specify safety protocols for women in co-ed shelters.  She has developed effective partnerships in the community including funders to maintain and enhance the lives of EFry clients.  She has been the voice for the most vulnerable population of homeless individuals in several communities bringing their voices to the community which may otherwise not be heard.